FAQ for developers

*Project Directories

BDF_Font Root directory
+-Doc All documents, this one included.
+-Exe Executable & ressource (fonts)
+-Source All the source code.
+-tmp Temporary files, *.obj etc ...
+-tools TTF2BDF converter and other related tools.

+-web Web page on SourceForge

Note : if you want to have another directories structure, you will need to change the path in Delphi IDE (Project\Options\Directories).

*Source code presentation

The source code will use JavaDoc-style comment. It allow to auto-build projet's documentation and seems to be one standard for Java of course, and C++ also. Some tools handle JavaDoc, as Doc-o-matic. See link http://delphi.about.com/cs/toppicks/tp/aatphelp.htm for more ressource on this subject.

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