Field |
Description |
About1 |
This is About1, a member of class TForm1. |
 BDF_font |
Private declarations |
Button_LoadBDFfont |
This is Button_LoadBDFfont, a member of class TForm1. |
Button_SaveToFile |
This is Button_SaveToFile, a member of class TForm1. |
Button_UnloadBDFfont |
This is Button_UnloadBDFfont, a member of class TForm1. |
Button_WriteCanvas |
This is Button_WriteCanvas, a member of class TForm1. |
CheckBox_Transparent |
This is CheckBox_Transparent, a member of class TForm1. |
Edit_PixelSpace |
This is Edit_PixelSpace, a member of class TForm1. |
Edit_TextToWrite |
This is Edit_TextToWrite, a member of class TForm1. |
File1 |
This is File1, a member of class TForm1. |
 fWait |
This is fWait, a member of class TForm1. |
Label1 |
This is Label1, a member of class TForm1. |
MainMenu1 |
This is MainMenu1, a member of class TForm1. |
N1 |
This is N1, a member of class TForm1. |
OpenDialogBDF |
This is OpenDialogBDF, a member of class TForm1. |
PaintBox1 |
This is PaintBox1, a member of class TForm1. |
Panel2 |
This is Panel2, a member of class TForm1. |
Quit1 |
This is Quit1, a member of class TForm1. |
SaveDialogBMP |
This is SaveDialogBMP, a member of class TForm1. |
UpDown_PixelSpace |
This is UpDown_PixelSpace, a member of class TForm1. |