BDFfont is a library to handle BDF font (Bitmap Distribution Format file) font with Delphi. This library will solve the lack of support for bitmap font on MS-Windows. A complete documentation and few examples are also available. Get last revision at : Copyright TridenT 2003 - Under GNU GPL licence
2003/08/18 TridenT v0.2 Added Transparency and Space char cap.
2003/08/24 TridenT v0.3 Added a message when loading a font.
2003/09/02 TridenT v0.4 New storage method (fast and tiny)
{------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Handle BDF Files BDFfont is a library to handle BDF font (Bitmap Distribution Format file) font with Delphi. This library will solve the lack of support for bitmap font on MS-Windows. A complete documentation and few examples are also available. Get last revision at : Copyright TridenT 2003 - Under GNU GPL licence @Author TridenT @Version 2003/08/16 TridenT v0.1 Initial revision @Version 2003/08/18 TridenT v0.2 Added Transparency and Space char cap. @Version 2003/08/24 TridenT v0.3 Added a message when loading a font. @Version 2003/09/02 TridenT v0.4 New storage method (fast and tiny) @Todo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} unit u_BDFfont; interface uses SysUtils, Windows, Classes, Graphics, Forms, Controls, Menus, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Buttons, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, StdActns, ActnList, ToolWin, u_CSV_File, contnrs, math; type TBDF_Font = class; // font loading Progess MEssage TOnProgressLoading = procedure(Sender: TObject; Value: integer) of object; // Font Character picture TGlyph = class private ParentFont: TBDF_Font; // Font holding the glyph Height, Width, YOffset: integer; WidthBytes: integer; XPosInFont: integer; DataSize: integer; procedure ConvertToBitmap(const DataStream: TMemoryStream; const Dest: TBitmap); public constructor Create(const Font: TBDF_Font; const dx, dy, dyoff: integer); destructor Destroy; override; end; // Font for all charset TBDF_Font = class private Description: string; // Description FileName: TFileName; // Font FileName SharePalette: hPalette; // Palette of the Font List_Glyph: TObjectList;// of DIB FontYOffset, Height: integer; FPixelSpaceChar: integer; //pixel space between character property FIsTransparent: boolean; // transparent font FOnProgressLoading: TOnProgressLoading; // Message with percents loaded FullBitmap: TBitmap; // a bitmap with all glyphs inside procedure SetPixelSpaceChar(const pscValue: integer); procedure AddGlyphToFullBitmap(Glyph: TGlyph; GlyphBitmap: TBitmap); procedure InitFullBitmap; published property PixelSpaceChar: integer read FPixelSpaceChar write SetPixelSpaceChar; property IsTransparent: boolean read FIsTransparent write FIsTransparent; property OnFontLoading: TOnProgressLoading read FOnProgressLoading write FOnProgressLoading; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function LoadFromFile(const Name: TFileName): integer; procedure DrawText(const X, Y: integer; const Dest: TCanvas; Text: string); procedure SaveToBitmap(fn: TFilename); end; implementation // Create a new monochrome palette function GetTwoColorPalette: hPalette; var Palette: TMaxLogPalette; begin Palette.palVersion := $300; Palette.palNumEntries := 2; with Palette.palPalEntry[0] do begin peRed := 255; peGreen := 255; peBlue := 255; peFlags := 0 end; with Palette.palPalEntry[1] do begin peRed := 0; peGreen := 0; peBlue := 0; peFlags := 0; end; Result := CreatePalette(pLogPalette(@Palette)^) end {GetTwoColorPalette}; // ############################ TBDF_Font ###################################### // Creates and initializes a TBDF_Font. constructor TBDF_Font.Create; begin inherited Create; List_Glyph := TObjectList.Create(True); SharePalette := GetTwoColorPalette; FPixelSpaceChar := 1; FIsTransparent := True; InitFullBitmap; end; // Destroys an instance of TBDF_Font. destructor TBDF_Font.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(List_Glyph); FreeAndNil(FullBitmap); inherited Destroy; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Change pixel space between two char (glyph) When the font is created, the value is set by default at 2 pixels, but can be changed with this method. A negative value will be converted to 0. @param pscValue: integer pixel space between two char -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TBDF_Font.SetPixelSpaceChar(const pscValue: integer); begin if pscValue < 0 then FPixelSpaceChar := 0 else FPixelSpaceChar := pscValue; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Draw a string on the Canvas at position (X,Y) To call the Draw method, the BDFfont must be initialized, by LoadFromFile method. Canvas drawing method can be configured as standard canvas routine. Beware that some character may not be defined ih the BDF font file you load ! @param X, Y: integer (X,Y) coordinates on the canvas client. Dest: TCanvas Destination Canvas. Text: string Text to display -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TBDF_Font.DrawText(const X, Y: integer; const Dest: TCanvas; Text: string); var IndexChar: integer; IconPos, CharPos: integer; Tmp_Glyph: TGlyph; begin if Length(Text) <= 0 then exit; if IsTransparent then begin FullBitmap.TransparentMode := tmAuto; FullBitmap.Transparent := True; Dest.CopyMode := cmSrcAnd; end else Dest.CopyMode := cmSrcCopy; CharPos := 0; for IndexChar := 1 to Length(Text) do begin // Verify if char is in the font if integer(Text[IndexChar]) < List_Glyph.Count then IconPos := integer(Text[IndexChar]) - 32 else IconPos := 0; Tmp_Glyph := List_Glyph.Items[IconPos] as TGlyph; // Verify if character is handle by font, if not, assign SPACE char. if Tmp_Glyph = nil then Tmp_Glyph := List_Glyph.First as TGlyph; assert(Tmp_Glyph <> nil); Dest.CopyRect(Bounds(CharPos + X, Y, Tmp_Glyph.Width, Self.Height), FullBitmap.Canvas , Bounds(Tmp_Glyph.XPosInFont, 0,Tmp_Glyph.Width, Self.Height)); Inc(CharPos, Tmp_Glyph.Width + FPixelSpaceChar); end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add a glyph to the font system AddGlyphToFullBitmap simply add the glyph in the internal representation of the font. @param Glyph: TGlyph; Glyph to add @param GlyphBitmap: TBitmap Bitmap to add -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TBDF_Font.AddGlyphToFullBitmap(Glyph: TGlyph; GlyphBitmap: TBitmap); var NextGlyphPos: integer; begin if Assigned(Glyph) then begin // Draw glyph on the new Bitmap NextGlyphPos := FullBitmap.Width + 1; FullBitmap.Width := FullBitmap.Width + Glyph.Width + 1; Glyph.XPosInFont := NextGlyphPos; FullBitmap.Canvas.Draw(NextGlyphPos, 0,GlyphBitmap); end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Save the font to BMP file The BDF font is export in BMP file, 1bit for color. All the glyphs are inside, from left to right @param fn: TFilename Filename to create -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TBDF_Font.SaveToBitmap(fn: TFilename); begin FullBitmap.SaveToFile(fn); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Load a BDF font from a file The file is load as CSV file (in fact, a text file separated by space). When loading very large file, use OnProgressLoading to be aware of progress loading. @param Name: TFileName BDFfont filename to load. @return integer 0 if succesfull, -1 otherwise -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TBDF_Font.LoadFromFile(const Name: TFileName): integer; // Define information's order in CVS file const vlDescription = 1; vlHeight = 2; vlFontYOffset = 4; vlGlyphTotal = 1; vlGlyphX = 1; vlGlyphY = 2; vlGlyphYoff = 4; vlCharLine = 0; vlGlyphNumber = 1; type TDD = array[0..3] of byte; var FCSV: TCSV_File; // File to load from, in CSV format GlyphTotal, Delta, IndexDelta: integer; GlyphNumber, GlyphNumberOld, GlyphIndex: integer; GlyphX, GlyphY, IndexY, IndexX, GlyphYoff: integer; Line: DWORD; Glyph: TGlyph; PByteLine: PByteArray; RawDataStream: TMemoryStream; // Glyph are stored in raw data Tmp_GlyphBitmap: TBitmap; begin // Initalize list properties FileName := Name; RawDataStream := TMemoryStream.Create; // Init CSV file FCSV := TCSV_File.Create; FCSV.Open(Name); FCSV.Separator := ' '; // Read FONT file as CSV file FCSV.Find('FONT'); // Font name/type/CharSet/Description Description := FCSV.ValueList[vlDescription]; FCSV.Find('FONTBOUNDINGBOX'); // Chars number Height := StrToInt(FCSV.ValueList[vlHeight]); FontYOffset := StrToInt(FCSV.ValueList[vlFontYOffset]); FullBitmap.Height := Height; FCSV.Find('CHARS'); // Chars number GlyphTotal := StrToInt(FCSV.ValueList[vlGlyphTotal]); GlyphNumberOld := 31; for GlyphIndex := 0 to (GlyphTotal - 1) do begin // Send message if assigned(FOnProgressLoading) then FOnProgressLoading(self , (GlyphIndex + 1) * 100 div GlyphTotal); FCSV.Find('STARTCHAR'); // Chars number FCSV.Find('ENCODING'); GlyphNumber := StrToInt(FCSV.ValueList[vlGlyphNumber]); // Compute number of bypassed glyph Delta := GlyphNumber - GlyphNumberOld; // fill bypassed glyph with first glyph (space glyph) if Delta > 1 then for IndexDelta := 1 to (Delta - 1) do List_Glyph.Add(nil); // load glyph coordinate FCSV.Find('BBX'); GlyphX := StrToInt(FCSV.ValueList[vlGlyphX]); GlyphY := StrToInt(FCSV.ValueList[vlGlyphY]); GlyphYoff := StrToInt(FCSV.ValueList[vlGlyphYoff]); // new Glyph Glyph := TGlyph.Create(Self, GlyphX, GlyphY, GlyphYoff); FCSV.Find('BITMAP'); RawDataStream.Clear; RawDataStream.SetSize(Glyph.DataSize); // Fill glyph with value from file for IndexY := 0 to GlyphY - 1 do begin FCSV.ReadNextLine; Line := DWORD(StrToInt64('0x' + FCSV.ValueList[vlCharLine])); PByteLine := PByteArray(@Line); if (Line >= $00000100) then Line := swap(Line); for IndexX := 0 to (Glyph.WidthBytes - 1) do begin RawDataStream.Seek(IndexY * Glyph.WidthBytes + IndexX, 0); RawDataStream.Write(PByteLine[IndexX], 1) end; end; Tmp_GlyphBitmap := TBitmap.Create; // Convert to bitmap Glyph.ConvertToBitmap(RawDataStream, Tmp_GlyphBitmap); // Add to the FullBitmap AddGlyphToFullBitmap(Glyph, Tmp_GlyphBitmap); FreeAndNil(Tmp_GlyphBitmap); // Add this glyph to the list List_Glyph.Add(Glyph); GlyphNumberOld := GlyphNumber; end; // End FCSV.Close; FCSV.Free; Result := 0; end; // ############################ TGlyph ###################################### {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Creates and initializes a TGlyph. @param Font: TBDF_Font Parent's owner (TBDFfont) of the Glyph dx, dy, dyoff: integer Coordinates and offset of the Glyph -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} constructor TGlyph.Create(const Font: TBDF_Font; const dx, dy, dyoff: integer); begin // Copy value Width := dx; Height := dy; YOffset := dyoff; // Calculate XRes Bytes WidthBytes := ceil(dx / 8); // Compute size of glyph DataSize := WidthBytes * dy; // Allocate memory for glyph bitmap - 1 bit format ParentFont := Font; end; // Destroys an instance of TGlyph. destructor TGlyph.Destroy; begin // end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Convert a glyph into a Bitmap When a font is loaded, all glyphs are stored and raw data, not bitmap, because bitmap is very memory expensive. So, in order to display a glyph (when writing a text), it must be converted into a bitmap to be draw. @param var Dest: TBitmap ParameterDescription @return None 0 if succesfull, -1 otherwise -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TGlyph.ConvertToBitmap(const DataStream: TMemoryStream; const Dest: TBitmap); var IndexY, IndexX, GlyphLine: integer; PByteA: PByteArray; begin Dest.HandleType := bmDIB; Dest.Height := ParentFont.Height; Dest.Width := Width; Dest.PixelFormat := pf1bit; Dest.Palette := GetTwoColorPalette;//ParentFont.SharePalette #NOT WORKING; Dest.TransparentColor := clBlack; for IndexY := (Dest.Height - 1) downto (0) do begin Assert(IndexY >= 0); Assert(IndexY < Dest.Height); PByteA := Dest.ScanLine[IndexY]; GlyphLine := IndexY - Dest.Height + Height - ParentFont.FontYOffset + YOffset; for IndexX := 0 to WidthBytes - 1 do begin if (GlyphLine <= (Height - 1)) and (GlyphLine >= 0) then begin DataStream.Position := IndexX + GlyphLine * WidthBytes; DataStream.Read(PByteA[IndexX], 1) end else PByteA[IndexX] := $00; end; end; end; // ############################ --------- ###################################### procedure TBDF_Font.InitFullBitmap; begin // Force bitmap to monochrome, 1 bit per pixel FullBitmap := TBitmap.Create; FullBitmap.HandleType := bmDIB; FullBitmap.Height := self.Height; FullBitmap.Width := 1; FullBitmap.PixelFormat := pf1bit; end; initialization finalization end.
Type | Description |
TOnProgressLoading | font loading Progess MEssage |